15 MARCH 2023
Deadline for Abstracts
The Efficient 2023 – Scientific Committee is looking for paper contributions that discuss global best practices, advances in fundamental science, innovative research, policy developments, and solutions to challenges in relation to urban water and wastewater efficiency. Proposals for workshops are also welcome and will be evaluated as well.
Presenting at Efficient 2023 is a valuable opportunity to meet members of the global community of urban water professionals.
Do not miss the opportunity to present your research work and pitch your solutions on various conference topics :
- Planning & Implementation of water efficiency programs
- Policies, legislation & regulatory issues
- Economics of water efficiency, recycling and reuse
- Climate change and drought adaptation
- Community engagement, behavior change and advice
- Best management practices
- Urban drainage & Stormwater
- Benchmarking & evaluation and measurement
- Water efficiency labelling and standards
- Non-revenue water, leakage and pressure management
- Water and energy nexus
- Water recycling and reuse to reduce urban water demand
- Efficiency of bulk supply systems
- Water security & Crisis management
- Water efficiency & Health
- Innovation, technology and data management for water efficiency (capture smart meters, smart homes etc…)
- Water neutrality and offsetting approaches for new urban development
- Water management in riparian cities with tidal issues
- Regenerative relationship between natural systems and human communities in agriculture
The deadline for abstracts submission is on 15 March 2023. Authors of successful abstract shall be contacted on 30 April 2023.
Papers submitted may also be peer reviewed for publication in IWA journals.
Please note the following abstract submission guidelines :
- Abstracts must be in English
- More than one abstract may be submitted
- Abstract text must not exceed 2 pages (including pictures and graphs) and must have a clear and concise title, a brief introduction (purpose), methodology, results, and conclusions
- Abstracts must choose one of the topic themes
- Abstract must include the author and presenter name and affiliation
- The preferred presentation type (platform with paper, platform with no paper, or poster) must be specified
For all enquiries for abstracts submission : program@efficient2023.org